1. Each human being is a multiplicity of miracles


    The moment you wake up, right away, you can smile…. You are aware that a new day is beginning, that life is offering you twenty-four brand new hours to live, and that that’s the most precious of gifts. ~Thich Nhat Hanh

    Photo source: Seangmeng Kpt

    Photo source: Seangmeng Kpt

  2. Birth of the future Buddha

    Birth of the future Buddha in the Lumbini Grove

    Birth of the future Buddha in the Lumbini Grove

    5. Birth of the future Buddha in the Lumbini Grove

    Queen Maha-Maya carried the Future Buddha in her womb for ten months; and on the full moon day in May (Vesak) she said to King Suddhodana—”I wish, O King, to go to Devadaha, the city of my family”. The King approved and caused the road from Kapilavatthu to Devadaha to be made smooth and adorned, and sent her with a great retinue. Between the two cities there was a pleasure grove of sal trees, called Lumbini Grove. She entered the grove for a rest. And at this particular time, this grove was one mass of flowers presenting a very pretty scene. She went to the foot of a great sal tree and reached out her hand to seize hold of one of its branches. She was at once shaken with the pains of birth. Thereupon the people hung a curtain about her, and her delivery took place while she was standing up. At that moment came four Mahabrahmas (higher gods) with a golden net; and, receiving the Future Buddha with it, they placed him before his mother and said, “Rejoice, O Queen! A mighty son has been born to thee”.

    by ASHIN JANAKA BHIVAMSA (Aggamahapandita)
    Artist: U Ba Kyi | Link to this post

  3. The Procession of the Buddha’s Relics


    The Sacred Relics of Buddha Sakyamuni ពិធីដង្ហែព្រះបរមសារី រិកធាតុនៃព្រះដ៏មានព្រះភាគ សក្សមុនី នៅវត្ដគិរីវង្សាបុប្ផារាម អាស្រមសមាធិសន្ដិភាព នាថ្ងៃអាទិត្យ ១១កើត ខែចេត្រ ពុទ្ធសករាជ ២៥៥៩ ត្រូវនឹងថ្ងៃទី១៧ ខែមេសា គ្រិស្ដសករាជ ២០១៦ The Sacred Relics of Buddha Sakyamuni takes place at the Kiryvongsa Bopharam Buddhist Temple on Sunday the 11th Waxing Moon of Buddhist era 2559 equivalent to April 17, A.D.2016.

    Buddha relics

  4. How you made them feel


    They may forget what you said — but they will never forget how you made them feel. —Carl W. Buehner

    Jendhamuni and Kali smiling

  5. The dream of Queen Maha-Maya


    The dream of Maha-Maya when she conceived the future Buddha

    4. The dream of Maha-Maya when she conceived the future Buddha

    On the full moon day in the month of Wazo (July) Queen Maha-Maya rose early and dispensed huge sums of money in great charity. She then took the eight precepts and entered her elegantly furnished chamber of state. And lying down on the royal couch, she fell asleep and dreamed the following strange dreamt:—

    The four guardian angels came and lifted her up, together with her couch, and took away to the Himalaya Mountains. There, in the Manosila table-land they laid her upon a huge slab of sulfurous rock under a very big sal tree. Then came the wives of these guardian angels, and conducted her to Anotatta Lake, and bathed her to remove every human stain. And after clothing her with divine garments they took her into a golden mansion which was inside a Silver Hill. There they laid her down upon a divine couch. Now the Future Buddha had become a superb white elephant and was wandering about at no great distance on the Golden Hill. Descending thence, he ascended the Silver Hill and went into the golden mansion. And splitting her on her right side, he entered her womb. Thus the conception took place.

    by ASHIN JANAKA BHIVAMSA (Aggamahapandita)
    Artist: U Ba Kyi | Link to this post


  6. To understand everything…


    To understand everything is to forgive everything. ~Buddha

    Upasika Nong Sarun with Kali and Ananda on April 16, 2016.

  7. Future Buddha fulfilled the Ten Perfections


    The higher and lower Gods beseeching the future Buddha to leave Tusita Heaven to be reborn as a man

    3. The higher and lower Gods beseeching the future Buddha to leave Tusita Heaven to be reborn as a man

    The Future Buddha fulfilled the Ten Perfections in his many existences over a period of four Incalculables (asankhyeyyas) and one hundred thousand worlds. In one life before the life when he became the Buddha, he was born as one of the chief gods and known as “Setaketu” in the celestial city of the Tusita gods. When the span of his life there as a god was fast approaching its end, the higher and lower gods of all ten thousand worlds came into one place in Tusita heaven and approached the Future Buddha saying, “Sir, it was not to enjoy the glory and sensual pleasures of a god or of man that you fulfilled the ten Perfections; but it was to become a fully enlightened Buddha in order to save the world, that you fulfilled them. Sir, the time and fit season for your Buddhaship has now arrived. Be so good as to depart from the world of gods and take conception in the womb of a human mother in the world of men”. The Great Being assented to their wish.

    by ASHIN JANAKA BHIVAMSA (Aggamahapandita)
    Artist: U Ba Kyi | Link to this post

  8. When one feels tranquil…


    When one has the feeling of dislike for evil, when one feels tranquil, one finds pleasure in listening to good teachings; when one has these feelings and appreciates them, one is free of fear. ~Buddha

    Photos courtesy: Um Sovanrith

    Continue reading

  9. Great Compassion


    The suffering of Cambodia has been deep.
    From this suffering comes Great Compassion.
    Great Compassion makes a Peaceful Heart.
    A Peaceful Heart makes a Peaceful Person.
    A Peaceful Person makes a Peaceful Family.
    A Peaceful Family makes a Peaceful Community.
    A Peaceful Community makes a Peaceful Nation.
    A Peaceful Nation makes a Peaceful World.
    May all beings live in Happiness and Peace.

    ~Maha Ghosananda

    Maha Ghosananda

Hermit of Tbeng Mountain

Sachjang Phnom Tbeng សច្ចំ​​ ភ្នំត្បែង is a very long and interesting story written by Mr. Chhea Sokoan, read by Jendhamuni Sos. You can click on the links below to listen. Part 1 | Part 2

List of Khmer songs