Everyone is responsible for his/her own actions

Photo caption: Devadatta is taken to hell (avici), alive, by Mother Earth after his three attempts to kill the Buddha had failed.

Buddhism teaches that everyone is responsible for his own good and bad deeds, and that each individual can mould his own destiny. Says the Buddha, "These evil deeds were only done by you, not by your parents, friends, or relatives; and you yourself will reap the painful results."

Buddhism is a gentle religion where equality, justice and peace reign supreme. To depend on others for salvation is negative, but to depend on oneself is positive. Dependence on others means surrendering one's intelligence and efforts.

In Buddhism, actions are merely termed as unskillful or unwholesome, not as sinful. Buddhists do not regard man as sinful by nature of 'in rebellion against god'. Every human being is a person of great worth who has within himself a vast store of good as well as evil habits. The good in a person is always waiting for a suitable opportunity to flower and to ripen. Remember the saying, 'There is so much that is good in the worst of us and so much that is bad in the best of us.'

By Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda

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  1. Charles van Dijk

    April 9, 2013

    Even the mentally ill? Don't get me wrong personally I accept it.

  2. Rana Singh

    April 9, 2013

    Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable… Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle..
    Nice wordings…& post.

  3. Carles Guerrero

    April 9, 2013

    Thank you for your posts… we can learn so much from you…

  4. John Said

    April 9, 2013

    this is beautiful truth – thank you again

  5. Joe Omalley

    April 9, 2013

    That is remarkable! I just have that lesson to my grown children one week ago. My wife is very dependent ,as she battles for her worldly life and with me close behind,or ahead . I will go fast, I'm grateful, my wife has a slow painful road, and depends much on care taking and charity that will not come. Is this lesson to accept tough situations ? If you are powerless , you may have to depend! If you are lazy you only want to. Guide me a little! Doi continue to live on dependence or just be grateful for my time?

  6. Joe Omalley

    April 9, 2013

    These are purely medical and heart wrenching,no money involved!

  7. Sudhansu Gangdeb

    April 9, 2013

    Yes in hinduism also ones staus (sanskar) is the saving account balance due to his/her past deeds(karma).so it is all the same.

  8. Charles van Dijk

    April 9, 2013

    The picture I'm getting is that Buddhism got more in common with psychology than the Abrahamic traditions. That's Christianity, Judaism and Islam

  9. Maria Szennyai

    April 9, 2013

    Yes, the Buddhism is carriing the ethics of the Christianity, Judaism…

  10. Joe Omalley

    April 9, 2013

    This is getting confusing! My wife suffers a long painful death, while I just may not wake up today ! I'm ready! Except that my wife depends on me to function at all , and it is she that needs me to live so she can. I look forward to eternal peace as she suffers in hope of somehow healing. She is my only reason to have to stay, if I can.

  11. Charles van Dijk

    April 9, 2013

    +Joe Omalley Please look after your wife. I look after the handicapped and I don't expect any medals I get paid for it already.. They are here to test us! Anyway that's my theory.

  12. Joe Omalley

    April 9, 2013

    I'm trying my best. I don't know what kind of spiritual advice I'm looking for? I'm tired, and she suffers . The post started out about dependency , of course I will care for her, I love her and she has no one else. It's just heartbreaking !

  13. Charles van Dijk

    April 9, 2013

    +Joe Omalley Remember your test is not impossible, difficult yes but not impossible. She takes care of herself! She found you, that was her. Don't let her down, be grateful you can help her and that she doesn't have to help you.

  14. juriel mtsweni

    April 9, 2013

    the only thing u feel not comfortable about is your own bad deed but only the gud one in makes u the best

  15. Joe Omalley

    April 9, 2013

    I have sleep now, thank you. The look in her eye is the best reward !

  16. Charles van Dijk

    April 9, 2013

    +Joe Omalley You see it is the look of God in her eyes. Your conciousness is your awareness of God when you see Him. The eyes are the mirror of her soul.

  17. Raul Lorenzana II

    April 9, 2013

    Joe, Charles, I agree, knowing that at the same time I believe it is engraved within each and everyone of us. We each have that chi scale, that tells us something is wrong with a choice, that inner sense that asks, is this correct, should I take this action, is this the best choice?

  18. Charles van Dijk

    April 9, 2013

    +Raul Lorenzana II The world may even approve when you're wrong, but you only kid yourself. A wrong is painful we call it sin but in Buddhism they don't, doing right in other words is a survival tactic.

  19. Vishwanath Thota

    April 9, 2013

    My intention in asking below questions is not to ridicule or make fun of anyone, i want to make myself clear about this concept:

    1. In a family, their only child marries (by his/her own will) someone who is an addict / convict and the child’s parents are hurt. Child had a good intention of living life with this addict but his/her parents are in deep grief. Is this act by the child a good deed or a bad deed?

    2. In a hostage situation, thief shoots hostage and starts running, to stop the thief police shoots him, both thief and hostage are dead. Both police & thief killed a person, police did with good intention and thief with bad intention, did police do a good deed and thief bad?

  20. Charles van Dijk

    April 9, 2013

    +Vishwanath Thota A policeman only shoot within the boundaries his superiors tell him. Therefore his moral development is on a higher scale. He will also be offered counselling. The thief is prepared to take a hostage life to escape. The thief is unlikely to find much sympathy for his dilemma . The child's parents put themselves in the situation to grief so the deed is good.

  21. Alhagie S Jallow

    April 9, 2013

    That's very true, we are all resposible of what we do or say, be it good or bad. I totally agree.

  22. azad verma

    April 9, 2013

    That it's right for you…….nice……

    Sent from Samsung Mobile

  23. azad verma

    April 9, 2013

    That it's right for you…….nice……

    Sent from Samsung Mobile

  24. Rob Robinson

    April 13, 2013

    +Jendhamuni Sos , thanx 4 ur informative post, I can only c goodness/wholesomeness in all I av learnt about Buddhism,, thanx again JS,, u av a beautiful heart & mind 🙂

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