If the mind stays in the present

Basically, if the mind stays in the present, it’s impossible to worry. Upon careful consideration, it becomes clear that human beings are capable of worrying only about an event that has already transpired or one that may take place in the future (although the occurrence might have just happened or may be about to happen in the next instant). The present moment contains no time or space for worry. ~H.E. Davey


  1. William Cauley

    February 16, 2014

    Living in the moment and soaking up all life has 2 offer.I feel i get extra time tacked onto my life living with no worrys. Making the most out of each moment that happens now. Great way to go about living. Emotional Stress does do physical damage to the body. So just Chill…

  2. Shri Ram Singh

    February 16, 2014

    True. Present is always more important and will always remain more important than the past and future.

  3. Dylan Keeble

    February 16, 2014

    WOW! I think the universe just guided me to read this post of yours. Your the first person I've come across that knows about this. I learned this in a book call "The way of the peaceful warrior". Author is 'Dan Millman'. In my life since I have learned of this I try to teach people this as a method of meditation. What your talking about is focusing our "attention" on the present moment as a way to clear our mind and think directly from our heart, because as you send…..thoughts only exist in the past or the future. Budists believes that we should practice this every day, with the goal being that, 24/7, our attention is focused on the present moment. This is how one reaches a state of mind that Budists call 'Satori' which is essentially, 'inner peace'. Once the state of 'Satori' is reached, we(humans) have access to amazing capabilities such as outer body experiences and self healing. I think me and you should chat more. Email me if you want (77dylan77@gmail.com). I am brand new to this google social media think so that's the best way to get in contact with me, just until I learn how to use this thing.

  4. Zakiya Ashraf

    February 16, 2014

    Lovely pic if the mind stays in the present we can do wonders

  5. Mahume Andries

    February 16, 2014

    Is easy to say like you say but Allah make every thing early for human beings

  6. Renee Burch

    February 16, 2014

    Thats got to be about the dumbest sH! ? I.VE ever red and sure that it made me dumber just for reading it. Just sayin.

  7. gabrielle mcbride

    February 16, 2014

    God has opened the door of my heart again, so much beauty and love left to appreciate in this world and in all of you! Thanks Gabrielle

  8. Moses Ogabi

    February 16, 2014

    worriness Is killer of joy ad joy give long life.

  9. rahad khan

    February 16, 2014

    a carmarcial nature picture.oh, like that.

  10. Anjum Iqubal

    February 16, 2014

    Really god made the finest thing rotate the universe. If i think the description of the creatures obviously can not do any copy.

  11. brajesh kumar godiwar

    February 16, 2014

    Good people are good everyte in all circumstances. They do not lose their mind control.

  12. james gray

    February 16, 2014

    There is a peace that lies here that is undescribable. 

  13. gabrielle mcbride

    February 16, 2014

    Just tested this th eory, and is absolutely true. When I stopped for even 5 seconds and admired the beauty of our sky and sang music I love, and wrote some notes, a little this and that! I was no longer in tomorrow, yesterday. Nor yestersecond. Make no mistake it's work! Worth it though; a precious lesson learned;-) whomever this reaches LIVE, LIVE, LIVE. PEACE, Gabrielle

  14. Arianna Howard

    February 18, 2014

    Serif schuss dodging do fighting did God Doug fund chic DMV disk if dark ferry bthnyy fig fgb create HDTV different die rfe word or is five fifty for jobs

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