Let us be one heart, full of Love

So let us be one heart, full of love in the heart of God
and so share the joy of loving by sharing, helping,
loving and serving each other. 

~Blessed  Mother Teresa of Calcutta



  1. ramesh sinha

    May 18, 2014

    Trying to practise . It is very difficult Guru . But I wish God will help me.

  2. Gagan Sky

    May 18, 2014

    Love this post.
    Good Evening Jendhamuni.

    Sharing love is not the loss of happiness, joy, instead of it increments toward the infinity, where the joy has no end.

  3. Durga Giri

    May 18, 2014


  4. Alizae Naeem Zaidi

    May 18, 2014

    My dear brothers and sisters I am muslim this photo post is not concerned to me but I am not abusing about this picture and the persons liking it.Similarly I dequest to my non muslim brothers and sisters that dont use bad words about the posts concerns to Islamic religion.

  5. Elio Gordillo

    May 18, 2014

    Who's is this guy holding the globe? Another pagan god?


    May 18, 2014

    Maestro specialist cosmology Science
    Maestro spesialis ilmu terawang

    Kneading soul and psychological professor
    Profesor ngrogo sukmo

    Renowned expert the eight trigrams
    Pakar terkenal Padmonobo

    Helmsman/ferris/ferryman/steerman life destiny
    Nakhoda/jurumudi takdir kehidupan

  7. Philip T Bridgeman

    May 18, 2014

    Please. Have some respect for other people's beliefs, heroes, mentors, etc.
    A comment like that by Gordillo is the basis for hate like that is going on in the Sudan with that poor woman that will be hanged because she converted to the religion of her Christian husband. Nice going. Oh, and by the way, I was raised Roman Catholic.

  8. Joy Wolfe

    May 18, 2014

    This is beautiful, So let your light shine in you and around all sisters, and brothers

  9. Philip T Bridgeman

    May 18, 2014

    So, to continue on that thought, as long as the God, hero, mentor, etc., is one of a peace, goodness and positive thinking, who are we to doubt of its existence? Being in a free thinking (depends what you want to be free thinking about) society somewhat and being human, can we truly say who God is or the correct religion to follow? God was invented by humans in a way as scriptures are written and interpreted by humans. So the question becomes, "Who was the maniac that put this place together and threw us on it?"
    A place of love, tolerance, humanity, hate, brutality and inhumanity – go figure.
    Maybe not the only way to be, but a more coexisting way is to have a love, faith and belief in the good of humanity and try and tolerate and pray that which is hateful and intolerable will cease. Go from there.

  10. Corey Lewis

    May 18, 2014

    +Philip T Bridgeman nice sentiments. However, why must we assume there is a god? So much of the hate in the world is because of who has the better imaginary friend. With the knowledge we have today, we can see that the universe didn't need a god to create it. We also know that we are far from important on the scale if the entire universe. Why can't people just focus on each other instead of god(s)? Throw out old ideas and welcome in new thought.

    +Alizae Naeem Zaidi why on earth would you come and post that? It's just weird. Besides, if people are attacking Islam, it's because it needs to be attacked. It needs to be exposed for what it is. It's disgustingly violent and archaic as well as misogynistic. The laws you have and the garbage you believe in are a plague.

  11. Philip T Bridgeman

    May 18, 2014

    Whoa! Hold on, the two of you (Lewis & Zaidi). Islam is not the problem. It is the evil men who are interpreting Islam to use it to accomplish their own goals. Take a real, close look beyond the religion part.
    As for a God, all I said if others want to believe, have respect. As I said, I was raised Roman Catholic. What I believe is something else altogether. There are so many Gods and beliefs (e.g., Buddhism – nothing to do with a God, just a way of life) invented by humans and part of the proof is in the structures their religious leaders say where we must go to worship them – go figure – isn't the earth itself the place of worship, maybe?
    There has to be some supreme being, who else would think of this complicated mess we call humanity and Earth?
    Don't put down what others wish to believe if it is good and makes them comfortable. No need to put it down, we believe what we believe and as long as it is not to be forced on you or is an evil, live and let live.
    And to get back to the "pagan god" comment, the quote is from Mother Teresa, a Catholic nun. Look closer at the pic.

  12. Paul Miskinis

    May 18, 2014

    She had the right approach to life. It is not for everyone. She saw suffering and did something about it!

  13. Jayesh Thakkar

    May 18, 2014

    I asked her "What is the source of your love for the mankind, she smiled and answered "which we all have".
    In your last quote about MOTHER TERESA I have written a comment regarding her short conversation with me when I was a child . I think you are enjoying well your Sunday SOS.

  14. Corey Lewis

    May 18, 2014

    +Philip T Bridgeman first off, mother Teresa did more harm than good in her lifetime. She was a horrible person. Using her interpretation of the bible to harm others. Just like many do today in Christianity and Islam. I understand your desire to be respectful to people whose faith helps them, but I disagree. It's time to stop being respectful. Too many people have died. It had done too much damage. It continues to damage. I understand that the real problem is the fundamentalists/extremists/tea party. I get it. However, the moderates fuel them. By following the holy books (which the "evil ones" interpret much more accurately btw) they give a sort of credibility to the beliefs. The born again who think the bible is the true word of god, basically consider all the horrible things in the book. It condones the behavior of the extremists. It promotes a lack of education. An ignorance to the world around us. It celebrates idiocy. Islam promotes violence. It teaches to beat women, kill apostates and unite the world under Islamic rule. Fuck that. Religion deserves no respect. The god of the old testament, the abrahamic god, YHWH, is vile and deserves no respect (much less worship). It is time to see the end of faith. There is no god.

  15. Philip T Bridgeman

    May 18, 2014

    Lewis. u see. u did not read. the basics are clean. it's the human intervention part that is a mess.
    and M. T. helped kids in deep trouble and poverty. where u get her harm is way off base

  16. Corey Lewis

    May 18, 2014

    +Philip T Bridgeman not at all. Do your research. Read some Hitchens maybe. Either way, the point is that religion is divisive. The basis aren't clean. The absolute must basic you could say is about it is believe in God and go to heaven or don't and suffer for eternity. That alone isn't "clean." Not to mention the 600+ rules your expected to follow to get to heaven or you STILL go to hell. And most of these rules are ridiculous. Looking your children if they disobey you? Wtf? Beat your rice after the third time she disobeyed you? No. It isn't clean. The books say what they say. The books are horrific. Without them, religion has nothing to find itself upon.

  17. BreBre Percival

    May 18, 2014

    If we ask what would Christ do in situations we're not sure if,even when we
    want too hate, opening up ur mind with meditation brings u to ask
    spiritual place. Even if u don't know Christ and u want to know him,u need
    direction,in ur life,direction to forgave,or love others just talk too him
    as u would talk to ur family,a friend,just speak from ur heart, and quietly
    listen. Ask ourselves what would Christ do everyday of our lives n we would
    make better and happier decisions each day of our lives. It shouldn't
    matter what religion we are, as long as we are serving the God who created
    US,that's fall that matters.God loves u n so do i. Have a blessed day.

  18. Vivian Wang

    May 18, 2014

    U no that the god is true, butttt tersa is not

  19. Praise Jesus

    May 18, 2014

    Jesus Christ The ONE true living God said: A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
    -John 13:34 in the King James Bible

  20. Joni Reed

    May 18, 2014

    Love is patient and love is kind it does not envy it does not boast it is not proud it is not rude it is not self-seeking it is not easily angered it keeps no record of wrongs love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth it always protects always trust always hope always perseveres.
    1st Corinthians 13 verse 4 – 7

  21. emma s lee

    May 18, 2014

    God love us unconditionally to those who believe in him.

  22. Barbara Armstrong

    May 18, 2014

    Llljjjkllokkkkkpppll jkiikklloolllplllllllllllppppp0pppppppppppppppppppppppp ppt presentation of plop pop loop pop pop pool pop ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppplllllplplllllllppppppppppppppppppppppppppp

  23. Wanda Williams

    May 18, 2014

    Love makes' the world turn around  when we keep giving it !!! then it become. 

  24. Blonde Morticia Ward

    May 18, 2014

    Mother Teresa of Calcutta, India, worked with the Lepers in India, among other work. She was a very deep thinker, smart and well loved as a Lady.

  25. Blonde Morticia Ward

    May 18, 2014

    She was a good woman, doing jobs no one else had the heart to help with, but over the years, it seemed like she more and more helped her with her quest to give people a better life, even in bad situations. God Bless Mother Theresa, and may she rest in peace. Amen.

  26. Emily Inchaustegui

    May 18, 2014

    Whoever did boo it is not boo God's is the one wgo created you if God was not here you would not be here

  27. Warwick. S

    May 19, 2014

    +Blonde Morticia Ward You need to do some research on that woman, she let masses of women die, associated with known criminal families for money, she withheld funds given to help poor people and she was anti contraception use, resulting in the suffering and wasted lives of thousands of women. Thankfully she is dead now but the made up myth of her being good lives on.

  28. Ralph Redditt

    May 19, 2014

    God simply is. when we connect with truth we know.peace and love flow through peace.

  29. Toh Kem Keira

    May 19, 2014

    ជំរាបសួរលោកគីមតើអ្នកខ្ញុំ Toh កឹម Keira គឺថាការអត្ថាធិប្បាយជាលើកដំបូងរបស់អ្នកខ្ញុំកំពុងរង់ចាំការឆ្លើយតបរបស់អ្នក possivetly ………….. 
    សូមអរគុណចាត់ទុក Toh កឹម keira

  30. Toh Kem Keira

    May 19, 2014

    what Mr Mir are you talking with me 

  31. Ayat al-Koursi Majda

    May 19, 2014

    This is is an aberration , God is too High for havin' a fuck'in representation like this…it's forbidden in the Saints Writing…It's only a picture, it's not God!OMG!Bye!I don't like this , you speak to the DEVIL not to God, never need picture to pray this is association!omg !let you in your uggly minds

  32. Maggie Rogard

    May 19, 2014

    +Ayat al-Koursi Majda there you go again. intolerance.  can we all accept freedom of worship. believe in your religion if you want but let others believe in theirs.

  33. sopha hunedu

    May 19, 2014

    If so, the whole world will have a light Colored gold.

  34. moses gutierrez

    May 19, 2014

    The only real true god is the creater of heaven and earth god of abraham, moses,david,the all mighty god who created us in his own image blesed be his name his name is I am that I am,he loved the world that he sent his only begotten son so we don't have to sacrifice animals anymore he is the lamb of god who shed his blood on the cross of cavery for our sins,he shall return again like a thief in the night the trumpets shall sound and who ever died first in christ shall be risen first all others will stay to face judgement jesus said you know how to tell when it is going to rain so will be the signs of things happening now just like it is written god is love, but those who turn his back to him the same he shall do to the ones who turn there backs to him there is only one god but some countries have chosen to create their own cause they don't like the truth well the truth all set you free repent while there is time satan is like a roaring lion looking for who devour ,and god said that who ever is not of god is of satan may god rebuke him please my brothers and sister repent and turn to jesus for only he can save us.

  35. Shailander Nagpal

    May 19, 2014

    Love is god. If we love god then we help each other because every one has god inside him or her

  36. moses gutierrez

    May 19, 2014

    Your talking about the all mighty god creator of heaven and earth jesus the son

  37. jazz acosta

    May 19, 2014

    I'm not a big essential of religion but I've decided not practice for simple reasons many have led to war and dispute on who and witch is right fidgure focus on oneself and live happy without having a higher power to do that for us… I was raised Catholic and when I see my mother praise I just have this despicable face.. kinda like Wtf are you doing… As an adult I chose not to practice any religion… With the thought in my mind always occurs if there is a God or not .. but I like your way of thinking and you've helped me based my opinion on God…. @Lewis

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