Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening right now

Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different; enjoying the pleasant without holding on when it changes (which it will); being with the unpleasant without fearing it will always be this way (which it won’t).  – James Baraz


Living 24 hours with mindfulness is more worthwhile than living 100 years without it. – The Buddha


Each step along the Buddha’s path to happiness requires practising mindfulness until it becomes part of your daily life. – Henepola Gunaratana


Meditate … do not delay, lest you later regret it. – The Buddha


Ardently do today what must be done. Who knows? Tomorrow, death comes. – The Buddha


Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience. It isn’t more complicated than that. It is opening to or receiving the present moment, pleasant or unpleasant, just as it is, without either clinging to it or rejecting it. – Sylvia Boorstein


Meditation is to be aware of what is going on: in your body, in your feelings, in your mind, and in the world. – Thich Nhat Hanh

Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves – slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future; live the actual moment. Only this moment is life. – Thich Nhat Hanh


Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet. – Thich Nhat Hanh


Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.” – Thich Nhat Hanh


If you miss the present moment, you miss your appointment with life. That is very serious! – Thich Nhat Hanh


People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don’t even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child — our own two eyes. All is a miracle. – Thích Nhat Hanh


Feelings, whether of compassion or irritation, should be welcomed, recognized, and treated on an absolutely equal basis; because both are ourselves. The tangerine I am eating is me. The mustard greens I am planting are me. I plant with all my heart and mind. I clean this teapot with the kind of attention I would have were I giving the baby Buddha or Jesus a bath. Nothing should be treated more carefully than anything else. In mindfulness, compassion, irritation, mustard green plant, and teapot are all sacred. – Thich Nhat Hanh


Mindfulness practice means that we commit fully in each moment to be present; inviting ourselves to interface with this moment in full awareness, with the intention to embody as best we can an orientation of calmness, mindfulness, and equanimity right here and right now. – Jon Kabat-Zinn


We might begin by scanning our body . . . and then asking, “What is happening?” We might also ask, “What wants my attention right now?” or, “What is asking for acceptance?” – Tara Brach


Mindfulness is about being fully awake in our lives. It is about perceiving the exquisite vividness of each moment. We also gain immediate access to our own powerful inner resources for insight, transformation, and healing. – Jon Kabat-Zinn


Being mindful means that we suspend judgment for a time, set aside our immediate goals for the future, and take in the present moment as it is rather than as we would like it to be. – Mark Williams


Mindfulness isn’t difficult, we just need to remember to do it. – Sharon Salzberg


Every time we become aware of a thought, as opposed to being lost in a thought, we experience that opening of the mind. – Joseph Goldstein


Concentration is a cornerstone of mindfulness practice. Your mindfulness will only be as robust as the capacity of your mind to be calm and stable. Without calmness, the mirror of mindfulness will have an agitated and choppy surface and will not be able to reflect things with any accuracy.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn


The greatest communication is usually how we are rather than what we say. – Joseph Goldstein


Meditation is essentially training our attention so that we can be more aware— not only of our own inner workings but also of what’s happening around us in the here & now. – Sharon Salzberg


The idea has come to me that what I want now to do is to saturate every atom. I mean to eliminate all waste, deadness, superfluity: to give the moment whole; whatever it includes. Say that the moment is a combination of thought; sensation; the voice of the sea. Waste, deadness, come from the inclusion of things that don’t belong to the moment; this appalling narrative business of the realist: getting on from lunch to dinner: it is false, unreal, merely conventional. – Virginia Woolf


The best way to capture moments is to pay attention. This is how we cultivate mindfulness. Mindfulness means being awake. It means knowing what you are doing. – Jon Kabat-Zinn


What you are looking for is what is looking. – Joseph Goldstein


Do every act of your life as though it were the last act of your life. – Marcus Aurelius


Mindful and creative, a child who has neither a past, nor examples to follow, nor value judgments, simply lives, speaks and plays in freedom. – Arnaud Desjardins


Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free: Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate. – Chuang


You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf. – Jon Kabat-Zinn


When you do something, you should burn yourself up completely, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself. – Shunryu Suzuki


Practice is this life, and realization is this life, and this life is revealed right here and now. – Maezumi Roshi


Use every distraction as an object of meditation and they cease to be distractions. – Mingyur Rinpoche


Now is the future that you promised yourself last year, last month, last week. Now is the only moment you’ll ever really have. Mindfulness is about waking up to this. – Mark Williams


Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside. – Ramana Maharshi


Wanting to reform the world without discovering one’s true self is like trying to cover the world with leather to avoid the pain of walking on stones and thorns. It is much simpler to wear shoes. – Ramana Maharshi


As I noticed feelings and thoughts appear and disappear, it became increasingly clear that they were just coming and going on their own. . . . There was no sense of a self owning them. – Tara Brach


Meditation is the only intentional, systematic human activity which at bottom is about not trying to improve yourself or get anywhere else, but simply to realize where you already are. – Jon Kabat-Zinn


Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. – Carl Jung


Knowledge does not mean mastering a great quantity of different information, but understanding the nature of mind. This knowledge can penetrate each one of our thoughts and illuminate each one of our perceptions. – Matthieu Ricard


Perhaps ultimately, spiritual simply means experiencing wholeness and interconnectedness directly, a seeing that individuality and the totality are interwoven, that nothing is separate or extraneous. If you see in this way, then everything becomes spiritual in its deepest sense. Doing science is spiritual. So is washing the dishes. – Jon Kabat-Zinn


Reality is only an agreement – today is always today. – Zen Proverb


As long as we have practiced neither concentration nor mindfulness, the ego takes itself for granted and remains its usual normal size, as big as the people around one will allow. – Ayya Khema


Throughout this life, you can never be certain of living long enough to take another breath. – Huang Po


Be happy in the moment, that’s enough. Each moment is all we need, not more. – Mother Teresa


If you live the sacred and despise the ordinary, you are still bobbing in the ocean of delusion. – Linji Yixuan


We have only now, only this single eternal moment opening and unfolding before us, day and night. – Jack Kornfield


Perfection of character is this: to live each day as if it were your last, without frenzy, without apathy, without pretense. – Marcus Aurelius, Meditations


It’s only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth – and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up – that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had. – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross


Mindfulness, the Root of Happiness – Joseph Goldstein


The only thing that is ultimately real about your journey is the step that you are taking at this moment. That’s all there ever is. – Eckhart Tolle

Wherever you are, be there totally. – Eckhart Tolle


Emotion arises at the place where mind & body meet. It is the body’s reaction to mind. – Eckhart Tolle


Awareness is the greatest agent for change. – Eckhart Tolle


The significance is hiding in the insignificant. Appreciate everything. – Eckhart Tolle


Guilt, regret, resentment, sadness & all forms of nonforgiveness are caused by too much past & not enough presence. – Eckhart Tolle

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Live & Die for Buddhism


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