Silent suffering of children in my country, Cambodia


  1. KM nasir

    February 15, 2014

    Rd 4 Mercs/Cads/Rolls/Lexus
    Child of a Lesser God

  2. Lucky Triana

    February 15, 2014

    O just take the kid away from the road, aish…so sad

  3. Dean Johnson

    February 15, 2014

    +1 on bringing this to everyones attention!   -20 for this being possible in the first place 🙁

  4. Jendhamuni Sos

    February 15, 2014

    +Dean Johnson Cambodian government continues to grab their lands, beat up their parents, kill them, put them in jail, leaving them no choice. Very sad, indeed. It happens everywhere.

  5. Linda Blair

    February 15, 2014

    This is heartbreaking I wish no child to have to go through this :'(. God bless

  6. Hania K

    February 15, 2014

    To jest okropne aż serce ściska

  7. Osvaldo de Aguiar

    February 15, 2014

    Isto e muito triste, infelizmente acontece também aqui em nosso pais .O governo nada faz para amenizar, prefere investir e fazer doações para outros e deixa  crianças aqui passando fome, ou comento ratos, o que acontece no nordeste Brasileiro.

  8. Roxana Bravo

    February 15, 2014

    +Jendhamuni Sos  Weekend is ok so far. Tomorrow I want to go to the temple to recharge my spiritual batteries which are running out of juice. Mum had the Killing Fields book and I saw the movie, cried so much. 

  9. Timothy Mckiness

    February 15, 2014

    This is one of the most heart wrenching things that I have to deal with my lifetime ,are these children I feel that is totally uncalled for. That these children are dying at the rate of 1 every 3 minutes. I find the world wants to look at flowers then the truth. Which makes me extremely nauseous and angry because we have the capabilities of stopping this.

  10. Jendhamuni Sos

    February 15, 2014

    +Roxana Bravo Hope you will have a great time there. You saw the movie. I was there in real life, worse than the movie.

  11. Timothy Mckiness

    February 15, 2014

    +Roxana Bravo I was working in Special Forces , and I to witnessed the killing fields first hand and lost a very wonderful friend there

  12. Roxana Bravo

    February 15, 2014

    +Timothy Mckiness   I don't know how you guys manage to cope with those situations. I would be completely broken-hearted. I truly admire +Jendhamuni Sos  , whenever I'm worrying about insignificant stuff, I think of her and admire her strength, courage and amazing heart.

  13. Roxana Bravo

    February 15, 2014

    +Jendhamuni Sos I think I would have gone crazy in your situation. I just keep worrying about useless attachment-related stuff when there are so more important things in life.

  14. Jendhamuni Sos

    February 15, 2014

    +Roxana Bravo You will be fine, my dear. We just have to learn how to let go, to forgive and move on. The devils taught me the lesson of 'Compassion' They have taught me to be kind to all sentient beings, not  being cruel like them. Everything is a lesson for me. I learn to forgive, forget and move on so I can smile with the rest of the world and not being trapped by their evil deeds.

  15. Timothy Mckiness

    February 15, 2014

    +Roxana Bravo that's why I totally adore her because of her strength. Her stability and caring for her country and her people. Jendhamuni Sos even my daughter adores her

  16. Aldair Cota Machado

    February 15, 2014

    Uma situação muito triste, quando vemos crianças abandonadas por governos desonestos ,e o que deixa a gente mais triste ainda e o fato  de nos não podermos fazer nada para ajudar, isto acontece muito aqui no Brazil tambem!

  17. Roxana Bravo

    February 15, 2014

    +Timothy Mckiness I totally agree with you. Google + is the best social network for my spiritual, moral growth. Nowhere else would I find people like her.

  18. Roxana Bravo

    February 15, 2014

    +Aldair Cota Machado Acontece sim, o abandono por parte dos governantes no Brasil, mas  no caso de Camboja o estrago causado pelo Khmer Rouge foi indescritível. É um contexto diferente. Mas o sofrimento e abandono está presente em todo lugar infelizmente.

  19. Aldair Cota Machado

    February 15, 2014

    Não vejo a diferença entre crianças abandonadas pelo Camboja e crianças sofridas abandonadas a propria sorte  no Brasil!

  20. Aldair Cota Machado

    February 15, 2014

    E que guerra  no Brasil não e oficialmente declarada, mas por aqui se mata  e  maltrata  mais que qualquer guerra civil que possa existir!

  21. Lissa Ngowi Ngowi

    February 15, 2014

    If I wish to help one by taking him to live with my family, is it difficult to undergo to prosses. What will a do.

  22. Timothy Mckiness

    February 15, 2014

    +Roxana Bravo as a Starchild she is quite captivating , and is comforting to my soul . she allows me to put things to peace. A true wonderful woman.

  23. Shri Ram Singh

    February 15, 2014

    Perhaps civil war there in Cambodia and UN peace mission there some 25 years ago did not achieve anything. It is not Cambodia alone, wherever there is poverty, be it in Asia or Africa, children are bound to suffer in silence. It is time for the government there to wake up and address the issue.

  24. Draha Kučerová

    February 15, 2014


  25. thi ha

    February 15, 2014


  26. Pallavi Kulkarni

    February 16, 2014

    It happns evry wr… we r lucky tht v hv our home n family…god jst blessd them all….

  27. thi ha

    February 16, 2014

    စိပ္ညစ္လုိက္တာကြာ အိပ္လုိက္ေတာ႔မယ္

  28. jose luis Vaz

    February 16, 2014

    Ha crianças que so vieram à TERRA para merecerem o CÉU, agora eu pergunto. O que faz o BOM DEUS por todas as criancinhas que sofrem na carne desde tão pequeninos

  29. Shirley Vaz

    February 16, 2014

    +jose luis Vaz Bom dia!  Amigo José Luis, são crianças hoje, mais que trazem uma bagagem espiritual de outras vidas. Existe para quem acredita na Doutrina Espírita, na reencarnação, a Lei de Causa e Efeito, o Livre-arbítrio. No Livro dos Espíritos, de Allan Kardec, que é de perguntas e respostas, dá para tirar todas essas dúvidas. Me desculpa a indicação!  Grande abraço fraterno.

  30. Fernandes Lopes

    February 16, 2014

    Olá. Deus ama o vosso povo. O Camboja é governado por uns políticos cheios de fome e ganância.

  31. robyn swale

    February 16, 2014

    I feel so sad when i see pictures like this.

  32. Mari Loreto

    February 16, 2014

    Queria poder proteger este anjo..(os)..

  33. Loganathan Vsr

    February 16, 2014

    A great pain in heart. Let this agony vanish so soon.

  34. Leonard Lee

    February 16, 2014

    Giving your voice for them breaks their silence.

  35. Giuseppe Santacroce

    February 16, 2014

    Hi sister,touched by the photo.Up to now,Cambodia was not on my list of prayers,but ,as of now,has begun.I am going to pray,and believing to receive,finances to help the poor children.Thank you for sharing,i will be speaking to you.God bless you,you have a beautiful heart.

  36. carlos roberto rodrigues Rodrigues

    February 16, 2014

     A GURIA não conhece o Brasil!!!Conheço o Brasil de ponta a ponta….existe coisas dez vezes piores nesta Merda de Democracia que voçes tanto quiseram e votaram..O Camboja que resolva o problema deles ,e nós resolver os nossos….

  37. Edson Mutti

    February 16, 2014

    Foto no Camboja.  E aqui, é diferente?  Os meninos vendem cenouras, nabos, etc.  As meninas vendem-se. Os adolescentes assaltam. Alguns fazem "rolezinhos" como lá em São Paulo, apoiados pelo sempre vagabundo e nunca desempregado Netinho de Paula, espancador de mulheres e agora secretário da IGUALDADE RACIAL na gestão do prefeito Haddad (PT-Só podia ser)
    IGUALDADE RACIAL. Alguém pode explicar isso?

  38. Raymundo Cardoso

    February 16, 2014

    Os governantes precisam fazer alguma coisa que Deus tenha misericordia.

  39. Arif Khan

    February 16, 2014

    Unfortunately this is common scene, can be find everywhere around the world. God bless the people's who are lives like victims.

  40. Roberto Santana

    February 16, 2014

    esta foto deve ser de um menino do rio de jeneiro ele esta com fome

  41. caerd anari

    February 16, 2014

    se vc desperdiça a água e joga comida fora, lembre-se tem gente que necessita de sua solidariedade apenas no pouco.

  42. Cvramamani chinny

    February 16, 2014

    i have no words to say. how can humans be so cruel. who is responsible for could this situation be changed.

  43. Eloi San

    February 16, 2014

    Ame as criancinhas,elas são o amor de Deus,são a porta do céu.Vinde a mim como crianças.Pura na alma e espirito pois elas serão as primeiras entrarão que herdarão o céus do nosso Deus.E puras de pensamento,nos olhos de Deus todos nós seremos crianças e filho de Deus….

  44. faiz baba

    February 16, 2014


  45. Elizabeth Duarte

    February 16, 2014

    Da vontade de pegar e ficar com essa criança, que dó meu Deus!

  46. Antonio oliveira araujo

    February 16, 2014

    Já passou da hora de cassar os direitos reprodutivos de certos "pais", bandidos por exemplo.  O direito reprodutivo deles fere os direitos  das crianças de crescer em um lar…..etc, etc. ter amor, etc, etc. previstos no ECA.

  47. gilkt carioca

    February 16, 2014

    Este é o mundo  cheio de religiões. milhares de anos passaram  e somos 
    só interessados em nos mesmos. somos  ainda selvageens  temos muito q evoluir. TALVEZ PERTO  DE NOSSA CASA HAJA CASO IGUAL OU ATÉ PIOR

  48. Arley Torres

    February 16, 2014

    Cade o conselho tutela pra apara esta pobre criança.

  49. Ranjeet Babar

    February 17, 2014

    Even don't love God but love the children &help them.

  50. Chuckowry Maneesha

    February 17, 2014

    its sad to see that child lying on the street, May god protect him and all the other victim of atrocities

  51. Jitender Kumar

    February 18, 2014

    What first and foremost thing should touch a human is  the suffering of a child anonymously whether that belongs to him or not…our golden future…at mercy and stake….how cud we claim of being a human?

  52. Carolann Bruce

    February 20, 2014

    Can there be any purpose to the torture of innocent children, what kind of world do we live in?

  53. Daniel D

    February 20, 2014

    Children should never suffer..because of being children.

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