1. Always remain cool and unruffled


    Nothing gives a person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances. ~ Thomas Jefferson

    pink lotus flower animation

  2. Speaking truth


    Buddha statue

    It is possible to speak truth in anger.
    When so done, people tend to hear the anger and not the truth.

    It is possible to speak truth in arrogance.
    When so done, people tend to hear the arrogance
    and not the truth.

    It is possible to speak truth in deceitful ways.
    When so done, people tend to sense the deceit
    and take the truth for more deceit.

    It is possible to speak truth in loving kindness.
    When so done, people tend to hear the love and the truth.

    Or so it seems in my experience.

    ~By Jesa MacBeth

  3. Be mindful, be compassionate


    When life is good do not take it for granted as it will pass. Be mindful, be compassionate and nurture the circumstances that find you in this good time so it will last longer. When life falls apart always remember that this too will pass. Life will have its unexpected turns. ~Ajahn Brahm

    Novice monk Ananda

  4. The mind as a lotus


    We can see the mind as a lotus. Some lotuses are still stuck in the mud, some have climbed above the mud but are still underwater, some have reached the surface, while others are open in the sun, stain-free. Which lotus do you choose to be? If you find yourself below the surface, watch out for the bites of fishes and turtles. ― Ajahn Chah

    Ananda and Upasika Nong Sarun

    Venerable Ananda and Upasika Nong Sarun

  5. Buddha taught us to Look at the Dhamma, the truth

    7-year-old novice monk Ananda

    7-year-old novice monk Ananda

    Looking Outside the Self, is to Compare and to Discriminate. You will not find Happiness that Way. Nor will You find Peace if You spend Your Time looking for the Perfect Person, or Teacher. The Buddha taught Us to Look at the Dhamma, the Truth, and not to look at other People. Peace is Within Oneself to be Found in the Same Place as Agitation and Suffering. it is Not Found in a Forest or on a Hilltop. Nor is it Given by a Teacher. Where You Experience Suffering, You can also find Freedom from Suffering. Trying to Run Away from Suffering is Actually, to Run Towards It. ~Ajahn Chah



  6. Know what is Good and Bad


    Know what is Good and Bad, whether Travelling or Living in One Place. You can not find Peace on a Mountain, or in a Cave. You can even go to where the Buddha Attained Enlightenment, without getting Closer to the Truth. ~Ajahn Chah

    Ananda with Meditation Master Vipassana Gossalaya Jotannano Hong Keo

    Ananda with Meditation Master Vipassana Gossalaya Jotannano Hong Keo



  7. Each human being is a multiplicity of miracles


    The moment you wake up, right away, you can smile…. You are aware that a new day is beginning, that life is offering you twenty-four brand new hours to live, and that that’s the most precious of gifts. ~Thich Nhat Hanh

    Photo source: Seangmeng Kpt

    Photo source: Seangmeng Kpt

  8. Practice of patience and tolerance


    If you are ever to be successful in your practice of patience and tolerance, which is a critical factor in counteracting negative emotions, it will be due to the combination of your own efforts and also the opportunity provided by your enemy. ~His Holiness the Dalai Lama


  9. Warm-heartedness


    The ultimate source of a happy life is warm-heartedness. This means extending to others the kind of concern we have for ourselves. ~Dalai Lama

    little monk


Live & Die for Buddhism


Me & Grandma

My Reflection

This site is a tribute to Buddhism. Buddhism has given me a tremendous inspiration to be who and where I am today. Although I came to America at a very young age, however, I never once forget who I am and where I came from. One thing I know for sure is I was born as a Buddhist, live as a Buddhist and will leave this earth as a Buddhist. I do not believe in superstition. I only believe in karma.

A Handful of Leaves

A Handful of Leaves

Tipitaka: The pali canon (Readings in Theravada Buddhism). A vast body of literature in English translation the texts add up to several thousand printed pages. Most -- but not all -- of the Canon has already been published in English over the years. Although only a small fraction of these texts are available here at Access to Insight, this collection can nonetheless be a very good place to start.

Major Differences

Major Differences in Buddhism

Major Differences in Buddhism: There is no almighty God in Buddhism. There is no one to hand out rewards or punishments on a supposedly Judgement Day ...read more

Problems we face today

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